Sunday, April 09, 2006

Tool of the Month

Once in a while I would come across great tools - slick and pretty tools that work well. In March, I started using bloglines, and have found myself using it every day. It is basically a web-based RSS reader that has been around for quite some time. If you don't already have a nice RSS reader, try bloglines, I think you will like it too.

[Honorable mention: - an awesome tool that does face recognition and more]

[On a side note, what's up with xanga not allowing public rss feeds? In this web2.0 day and age, unless I'm missing something, that is just backwards]


Anonymous said...

r u trashing xanga?! haha or is this a hint that i should start a blog too?!

Mahesh said...

Who uses xanga anyway??? 16 year olds in high school?

bloglines is crap... try omea or google reader. Come on dan I thought living on the left coast you would know about web 2.0 software better than bloglines.

Anyway you say google calender... pretty kickass. where is a9 on that one?

dtam said...

well, omea is not completely web-based, i would have to download a bunch of stuff on each of the 4 computers that i use.

google reader is lacking one of my favorite blogline features - subscription suggestion. blogline suggests popular feeds so it's very easy to find things you like. plus with my switch to mac, google's ajax doesn't work well any more.