Sunday, February 17, 2008

Guns and Democracy

As a democracy matures, she must let go of the diaper of violence. It may be true that the right to bear arms is still essential in the early days of a free State in the 21st century. Yet as the people of the State become more accustomed to the machinery of democracy, and as revolution by election becomes routine, tolerance for violence must be adjusted. In a mature democracy, where dissent is respected and encouraged in the chambers of debate, and efficient checks and balances are in place to prevent lunatic tyrants, proponents that fail to win the popular vote must not be allowed to infringe on anyone's right to life. As such, the right to bear arms by individuals would have served its purpose, and must be allowed to retire.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I think that a lot of people in the rest of the world would agree with you, because most of the places I've ever been are appalled at our openness about guns. My personal opinion is that we need tighter controls in the media and tighter controls on who can own a weapon. I don't believe you can ever take this right away from Americans. It's the 2nd amendment to the constitution!