Tuesday, March 21, 2006

About DTAM

A wise person once said, “Bad habits are picked up at work.” For most people, blogging is a bad habit - it takes up a sizable amount of time and energy, while contributing little to life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

So I started reading blogs at my last job. The more blogs I read, the more I am convinced that blogging is a powerful way of communication. Often times invaluable information is distributed via blogging; and the amount of useful feedback one may get is simply mind boggling. Even when there is nothing important to say, blogging is an ok way to keep up with friends. Compared with telephone or email, blogging has the advantage of being less personal, more easily misread, and if done properly, bring in cash. Once I understood the third unique property of blogging, I started on DTAM - dtam talks about m.

Why M? I haven’t done the math yet, but I believe the letter ‘M’ is statistically significant in my life, at least if you only count the last 6.521 years: school (UM), work (IBM), friends (MML, SM, ML, MR) etc…If I were a gambling man, I would put money on M.

Besides, DTAM is recursive.


yao said...

um... where did this "M" come from?

dtam said...

hm...i wonder, could it be a name of a state? if the name is long, that would mess up my math :-)